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Elodie Rivet

Elodie Rivet

Tags associés : s'entrainer - reviser

Ses blogs

Mrs Rivet's classroom

Let's learn English!
Elodie Rivet Elodie Rivet
Articles : 49
Depuis : 29/08/2016
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

Découvrez chaque semaine, les nouveautés éducatives pour apprendre autrement : vidéos explicatives, méthodologie et quiz en ligne Lumni utilise votre adresse email afin de vous adresser des ...
At the food truck (4ème)

At the food truck (4ème)

Ecoute la conversation et complète le dialogue (document disponible ci-dessous) - CO Mike's fish and chips séance 5.wav - séance 5 listening ordering food at the fish and chips texte à trous.pdf Ecoute la vidéo ci-dessus (essaie de ne pas regarder la vidéo) et complète le dialogue. - séance 3 LISTENING ordering food at the food truck tex
Welcome to America (5ème)

Welcome to America (5ème)

Comparatives and superlatives interactive and downloadable worksheet. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. Comparatif: à partir de la page 10 Mets les adjectifs entre parenthèses au superlatif. Sophie is working in Rome this week. Oliver, Alfie and Daisy have decided to eat out tonight. - Séance 7 Homework superlat
Let's read in English!

Let's read in English!

En cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous vous pourrez avoir accès gratuitement à 5 romans anglais en version numérique avec leurs audios. Idéal pour pour continuer à apprendre avec plaisir, grâce à la littérature ! La bibliothèque numérique des éditeurs Bordas, Le Robert, Nathan, Retz, CLE International et Syros
CHRISTMAS (escape games)

CHRISTMAS (escape games)

Santa's Mission Mission Santa's C. Rollo (Ac. Versailles) Every school Every street Every city Dear Children around the world,I need your help to save Christmas.The Grinch stole four of my reindeer L. Haquet - Ac. de Rouen Oh dear! Where is Rudolph? Please, help me find him! Ask Roger the Rabbit. He is Rudolph's best friend. Maybe he knows where Ru
Be the change! (4ème)

Be the change! (4ème)

- Anticipation séance 2 CO2.pdf Narrated and produced by actor Leonardo DiCaprio, The 11th Hour seeks to raise awareness of the depleted state of the earth's natural environment. It explores how we have arrived at this state by ...
Review the present simple

Review the present simple

Present simple verb to be, an interactive worksheet by mylinh0709 Have-has got (affirmative and negative), an interactive worksheet by Sachishinakaterina Simple present verb to be, an interactive worksheet by JorgeMurcia Present Simple online worksheet for Elementary. You can do the exercises
Story time: The survivor (4ème)

Story time: The survivor (4ème)

A plane crash ... there is only one survivor. Who is she? This is the first episode of The Survivor. Two months before the plane crash .... episode two of The Survivor starts in the FBI offices. Agent Sanders is investigating a robbery. This is the third episode of The Survivor. Buddy normally helps Agent Sanders but today he is really nervous. Wha
Review the simple past and the Irregular verbs!

Review the simple past and the Irregular verbs!

Regardez les différentes vidéos et faites les activités proposées afin de vous aider à mémoriser les verbes irréguliers Past Simple - Regular and irregular verbs, an interactive worksheet by MsYoana Past simple regular, an interactive worksheet by gonzaloalzola Past simple tense, an interactive worksheet
Project 3: sightseeing (5ème)

Project 3: sightseeing (5ème)

THE CITY - prepositions of place, an interactive worksheet by Floramendola Prepositions and directions, an interactive worksheet by TeacherRoberta Play some word games to learn and practise directions vocabulary. Do the preparation exercise before you listen. Then, look at the map and listen to the directions