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Barbier Xavier

Barbier Xavier

Tags associés : grammaire, lexique, songs, sequence 3e

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English4you :Le blog de Barbier Xavier

Travailler en s'amusant c'est possible !!! Exercices d'anglais pour travailler les bases lexicales et grammaticales. Séquences d'anglais collège clés en main ! Activités anglais interactives
Barbier Xavier Barbier Xavier
Articles : 43
Depuis : 10/07/2008
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

Séquence 1 4e LV2 Meeting

Here are some questions you can ask someone when you meet for the first time : Let's practice with these oral comprehension activities : click on the links below ! link link link link link link

3eme CO Rockwell

Pour pratiquer la Compréhension Orale, voici un court documentaire sur des réalisateurs de films inspirés par le travail de Rockwell :
Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night

Watch this movie extract from V For Vendetta and try to guess the character who is referred to. What is the date given to illustrate his purpose ? What happened on that day ? Watch these two videos to learn about the Gunpowder Plot : Answer these questions : 1) Who was Will Danby ? 2) Can you remember any of the names of the plotters ? 3) Why were

Apprendre les bases lexicales et grammaticales de l'anglais c'est possible même en s'amusant grâce à English4you. Retrouvez tous les cours et activités ludiques pour apprendre efficacement et ... Le Blog a maintenant fait peau neuve !!! Retrouvez le ici !
Frankenstein mashup !

Frankenstein mashup !

Have a look at the genuine extract and try to understand the content of the dialogue : Now, watch this mashup ! This is the task you will have to achieve. Be creative, and have fun !

Séquence 1 4e LV2 School Objects

Click on this link to learn your vocabulary : Classroom objects. Practice your vocabulary by doing these activities : link link Then, watch this video and click on pause when you want to check if you have good memory !
9/11 Memorial

9/11 Memorial

The architect Daniel Libeskind was tasked with creating the first design studies for the site. This led to the creation of his 'masterplan' for the whole area - which remains the foundation of what is taking shape. Other architects have been commissioned by the developers Silverstein Properties, to work on the individual buildings. They include Bri