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Global Revolution for a Global Civilization. We are the 99%. We are HOPE.

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France nouvelle

OWS - ANONYMOUS - INDIGNADOS - Pour une République irréprochable, une fois bannis tous les "Malfrats de Ripoublique". Bâtissons, ensemble, Citoyennes et Citoyens, la République de demain, la 6ème République authentiquement irréprochable, une République européenne, une République phare des Peuples unis d'Europe, athanor et socle indestructible de la Révolution globale pour une Civilisation globale de l'ESPOIR: Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité universelles. Signé: Les Insurgés citoyens
lanouvellefrance lanouvellefrance
Articles : 50
Depuis : 09/10/2011
Categorie : Politique

Articles à découvrir

France: New President, New France - Good Luck Flanby !

France: New President, New France - Good Luck Flanby !

Les Insurgés citoyens / The Global Insurrectionist Follow us on Facebook : Appel à l'Insurrection permanente pacifiste, écologiste et citoyenne (The Global Insurrectionist) & Follow us on Twitter : @france_nouvelle EXCLU: Découvrez la Une très étrange du Point sur Hollande qui paraîtra demain ! Presse|le point, francois hollande jeanmarcmora
Pétition : Sauvez la planète! A new plan to save the planet...!

Pétition : Sauvez la planète! A new plan to save the planet...!

Notre album photo special sur Facebook / Our special Photo Album on Facebook : Save the Planet: Save the Earth! Save Live! Save Humanity ! Les Insurgés citoyens & The Global Insurrectionist welcome you. Follow us on Facebook : Appel à l'Insurrection permanente pacifiste, écologiste et citoyenne (The Global Insurrectionist) & Follow us on Twitter
Occupy Earth Summit Common Statement

Occupy Earth Summit Common Statement

Les Insurgés citoyens & The Global Insurrectionist welcome you. Follow us on Facebook : Appel à l'Insurrection permanente pacifiste, écologiste et citoyenne (The Global Insurrectionist) & Follow us on Twitter : @france_nouvelle Occupy Earth Summit Common Statement 20 May 2012 by pa-webgroup | Please send to local groups, assemblies and occupatio
Tibet : Why Tibet matters. No Free Tibet, no sustainable World Democracy.

Tibet : Why Tibet matters. No Free Tibet, no sustainable World Democracy.

Editorial : On "Why Tibet matters" by Bianca Jagger in The Huffington Post Why does Tibet really matter ? To put it blunty, it is not only that "the very survival of the Tibetan people hangs in the balance" as Mrs Jagger has it today int he columns of the world-famous Huff Post ; it is, moreover, that our very survival as a free people enjoying dem
"L'OTAN est une arme de guerre"/"NATO is a war machine".Special Report.

"L'OTAN est une arme de guerre"/"NATO is a war machine".Special Report.

Les Insurgés citoyens & The Global Insurrectionist welcome you. " French President François Hollande scheduled to meet American President Barack Obama today amidst Occupy Protests in Chicago, Illinois, during NATO Summit this week-end" [Idioms: English - 中文 - Français - Español - Italiano - P ortuguês ] 将以“准同盟”身份参加后
Happy Birthday15M! Real Democracy Now: Manifest-Manifeste-Manifestio

Happy Birthday15M! Real Democracy Now: Manifest-Manifeste-Manifestio

Les Insurgés citoyens / The Global Insurrectionist Follow us on Facebook : Appel à l'Insurrection permanente pacifiste, écologiste et citoyenne (The Global Insurrectionist) & Follow us on Twitter : @france_nouvelle Happy Birthday 15M ! Joyeux Anniversaire 15M ! 15M Feliz ! Democracia real ya - Démocratie réelle maintenant - Real Democracy Now
I have a dream today: that Tibet will be free at last !

I have a dream today: that Tibet will be free at last !

As today the world commemorates Martin Luther King Jr, historical speech "I Have a Dream" on 28 August 1963 in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, I HAVE A DREAM today too for Tibetans as well as for the human people of planet Earth at large. And I shall take this opportunity to pay homage to Martin Luther King Jr, HH the Dalai-Lama and